Writes Midlife Bliss: https://moissa.substack.com

2024-08-01 - Choose your tribe wisely

  • https://moissa.substack.com/p/choose-your-tribe-wisely
  • Five types of people to surround oneself with:
    • a) The Relentless Over-Achiever: pushes us to improve
    • b) The Natural Born Optimist: lifts our mood and perspective
    • c) The Unconditional Giver of Love: provides support and boosts self-esteem
    • d) Virtual Teachers: offer wisdom through books, media, and stories
    • e) Our Higher Self: achieved through solitude and introspection
  • People around us affect us. Proactively choose the circle around us. Avoid toxic people. I think it is easier said than done. Forceful people do push their way into our circle leaving us not much of control.
  • My Response: Great post. I love it when you give list of things to internalize and remember. I have a print-out of the ‘6 non-negotiable daily rituals’ that you wrote a while ago on my wall. I guess you’re person #4 (Virtual Teacher) in the list for many like me across the world. Thank you.

2024-07-11 - About the state of Flow

7/4/24 - Nietzsche vs Rumi within oneself

12/21/23 - Daily Practice - 6 non-negotiables