Choose Your Tribe Wisely


  • Author: Mo Issa
  • Full Title: Choose Your Tribe Wisely
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: Our social circles greatly influence our thoughts and behaviors. It’s important to choose positive people who uplift and inspire us. Avoid toxic individuals who drain our energy and hinder our growth.
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  • As social creatures, we tend to adopt the characteristics of the groups we are part of and start to behave in the same way. We influence and get influenced by the people we spend the most time with, and we pick up both good and bad behaviours from each other. (View Highlight)
  • )The Relentless Over-Achiever It’s good to be around these kind of people, as they are always upping the ante and pushing themselves out of their comfort zones. They constantly ask questions and are never satisfied. (View Highlight)
  • )The Natural Born Optimist These are the ones who are always smiling and happy and often drive us nuts with the simplicity of their perspective. To them, everything has a silver lining. They celebrate small wins like winning the lottery and quietly dismiss the negative aspects of their lives. (View Highlight)
  • Life has shown me that we can’t be or do anything when we lack love. (View Highlight)
  • There is no greater feeling than connecting with our higher self. It’s that feeling of inner peace and tranquillity that can’t be matched in the outside world. (View Highlight)
  • Solitude and time alone allow us to get to know our higher self much better. (View Highlight)