Writes # 5 Big Ideas by Jen Hitze: https://www.5bigideas.com Site: jenhitze.com

2024-07-29 - Break the Cycle

  • https://www.5bigideas.com/p/break-the-cycle
  • Bad Habits, Vicious Cycle, Driving Force, Beliefs, Virtuous Cycle
  • Bad habits are cyclical. Bad habits can create a vicious cycle. The driving force of the habits is not the actions but thoughts. Our beliefs shape our thoughts. So the key thing to do is to work on changing deeply seated wrong beliefs about oneself. Positive beliefs can lead to virtuous cycles.

2024-07-21 - Truth, Lies, Faith, Fear, Feelings

7/17 - 1984 - Warning or a Playbook?

  • https://www.5bigideas.com/p/1984-a-warning-or-playbook
  • Jen is not in her usual zen state. Is, rightfully, agitated by the news coverage of the assassination attempt on Trump. She says most news outlets tried to minimize it and cover it up as a minor thing.
  • Compares this to 1984 where the Big Brother had control over what news to give to the citizens.
  • Hate speech dehumanizes everyone, especially people at leadership positions, especially political leaders who are very visible.

7/14 - Liberty and Justice for all

  • https://www.5bigideas.com/p/liberty-and-justice-for-all
  • Ideas - Approval Rating, Freedom of Opinion, Balance, Social Justice, Ultimate Freedom
  • It is impossible to please everyone so it is better to focus on autonomy and one’s strengths and opinions.
  • We must try to respect the freedom of expression of everyone, including people who disrespect us or disagree with us.
  • We should not be emotionally affected by social issues around us, instead focus on how we can contribute to improving the situations.

7/7 - Raising Intelligent Children

  • https://www.5bigideas.com/p/raising-intelligent-children
  • Ideas - School Kids, Mastery Learning, An Update, Reality Check, Another Measure
  • Everyone can achieve mastery given enough time and right conditions.
  • But society (or the school system) rewards certain types of skills and behaviors. for e.g., test taking.
  • My Response: Insightful and thought-provoking post. I was reminded of Malcom Gladwell’s ‘Outliers’. Success is often about opportunity, time, and environment. Intelligence is multifaceted and measurement is not that straight-forward. Different people learn in different ways. I feel that all humans have an innate curiosity to learn the world around them. Bucketing knowledge into Mathematics/Physics/Geography/Literature/etc., and when a child excels in one, nudging them towards a particular career path, may not even be the right approach, I guess, as you pointed out in your example.