Politics Make Me Mean and Stupid


  • Author: Jen Hitze
  • Full Title: Politics Make Me Mean and Stupid
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The author, Jen Hitze, discusses how political polarization leads people to confirm their own beliefs and dismiss opposing views. She emphasizes the importance of curiosity and respect in political discussions, warning against the tendency to judge others harshly while being lenient on oneself. Hitze concludes that engaging with diverse perspectives is crucial for understanding and treating others with integrity.
  • URL: https://www.5bigideas.com/p/politics-make-me-mean-and-stupid


  • The truth is, if you have a strong opinion about one side, you’re likely experiencing a completely different reality than people on the other side. (View Highlight)
  • If we don’t see past our own ideologies, we assume the issues are black-and-white and that supporters of the other side are evil. (View Highlight)