Big Ideas, Bad Ideas, and Blunders


  • Author: Jen Hitze
  • Full Title: Big Ideas, Bad Ideas, and Blunders
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: Big ideas can change the world but often become flawed when expressed through human perspectives. Logical fallacies can manipulate our understanding of these ideas, making it important to evaluate them carefully. To spot bad ideas, look for presumptions, utopian thinking, and a lack of humility.
  • URL:


  • Because there are many approaches to solving society’s most pressing problems, competing ideas arise. (View Highlight)
  • We see things not as they are, but as we are. Anaïs Nin, (View Highlight)
  • If an idea purports to resolve the big injustices in the world—social, financial, political, etc—it probably belongs in Utopia, not Earth. There’s no such thing as equal outcomes when we all embark on different journeys. And that’s what makes life on Earth special, exciting, and rare. (View Highlight)