From Codependency to Companionship




  1. Diversity of Thought: Opposites attract, but can lead to problems.
  2. Entitlement: Damaged people on extreme ends (Victim/Savior) could feel entitled and self-centered.
  3. Chemistry: Damaged people are attracted to each other, leading to intense and unhealthy relationship. A true relationship should have less drama and more boring living with lot of safe space to express oneself.
  4. Fix Yourself: Damaged people should work on themselves first.
  5. Healthy relationships: Exciting, due to shared experiences and boring, due to lack of manufactured drama.


  • Opposite qualities can be both healthy and desirable in relationships when there is regular communication, shared goals, and mutual respect (View Highlight)
  • While it’s easy to place blame entirely on the domineering partner, the inferior partner enables the abuse by allowing it to persist (View Highlight)
  • In any relationship in which two people become one, the end result is two half people. Wayne Dyer, Your Erroneous Zones (View Highlight)
  • while staying in a toxic relationship can distract you from life’s problems, it will never take them away. If anything, it will make them worse (View Highlight)
  • Damaged people undo damage by working on themselves. That’s the whole point of self-help: You must do it yourself; no one else can fix you (View Highlight)
  • Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (View Highlight)
  • Instead of feeling intense chemistry rooted in conflicting beliefs, people in healthy relationships feel a deep sense of peace with one another. (View Highlight)
  • Independent, whole people don’t need other people to feel complete—they are complete because they take responsibility for their lives (View Highlight)