This is a play by Sophocles. It is in GB Volume 5. The newsletter post is here.

People in the play


Page 1: Lines 1-76:

  • Odysseus and Neoptolemus are at the island of Lemnos. They have come in search of Philoctetes whom Odysseus and crew had abandoned here many years ago.
  • Odysseus tells Neoptolemus that he must deceive Philoctetes by lying to him that he is also angry with the Greeks and is returning home. He must take the bow after taking Philoctetes into confidence since they need the bow to win the Trojan war.

Page 2: Lines 76 - 193:

  • Neoptolemus objects to the plan but Odysseus convinces him of the need for it. Philoctetes has been living alone in the island for close to ten years and might be harboring great anger towards Odysseus and the rest of the Greeks.
  • Odysseus leaves Neoptolemus there and goes away saying he will send someone later.

Page 3: Lines 193 - 312:

  • Philoctetes enters and sees Neoptolemus and the Chorus of sailors. He is glad to see someone. Neoptolemus introduces himself as Achilles’s son. Philoctetes greets them and tells them how came to be here and that he longs to go home.
  • He was abandoned here by Greek sailor when he was asleep. He had a bad wound on his leg due to which he was in pain, and it was smelly. They left him for dead with little food and some rags.
  • He says over the years visitors have come, they have been moved by pity, and give some food and clothes but none of them were kind enough to take him on their boats home.

Page 4: Lines 312 - 430:

  • Philoctetes concludes his lamentations by cursing the Atreidae and Odysseus.
  • Neoptolemus tells his side of story - a fabricated story to gain sympathy from Philoctetes. He says he was brought into the war after his father Achilles was dead. He has been mistreated by the leaders and is angry with them and is going back.
  • Philoctetes is moved by Neoptolemus’ plight and asks of others that he knew about like Nestor. Neoptolemus says Nestor and his son Antilochus are dead. Philoctetes is very sad to hear this.

Page 5: Lines 431 - 549:

  • Philoctetes goes on to ask for more names. He is sad to find that Patroclus is dead and that Thersites whom he considers a villain, is not dead.
  • He begs Neoptolemus to take him home on his boat to which he agrees and says let us go.
  • As they prepare to leave, a Merchant and a Sailor arrive.

Page 6: Lines 550 - 651:

  • The Merchant reveals that people are pursuing Neoptolemus. He also says that Odysseus and Diomedes are in pursuit of someone. He wants to take Neoptolemus to a side and say something. But he says it can be said in the open.
  • Then the merchant says that Odysseus is in pursuit of Philoctetes. He says that the seer Helenus whom the Greek had taken prisoner prophesied that unless they bring Philoctetes from the island to Troy, the Greeks could never win the war.
  • Philoctetes is dismayed at this. He says they would come to persuade him and take him and after their use, they would kill him. He urges Neoptolemus to take him soon so that they can avoid Odysseus.

Page 7: Lines 652 - 770:

  • Philoctetes shows Neoptolemus his famous bow and allows him to handle it saying no mortal has ever touched it other than himself.
  • The Chorus talks about Philoctetes’ suffering and in spite of all the hardships, he kept the bow. They say that his future is better and his sufferings will end.
  • Philoctetes suddenly feels an intense pang of pain. He asks Neoptolemus to hold his bow till his pain subsides and not give it to anyone.

Page 8: Lines 771 - 887:

  • The pain continues and Philoctetes calls for death in his agony. After crying a bit, he goes to sleep.
  • Neoptolemus is in two minds whether to take the bow and run away or stay. He stays.
  • Philoctetes wakes up and thanks him and asks to be taken to the ship.

Page 9: Lines 887 - 984:

  • Neoptolemus is not comfortable with the continued deception and comes clean with Philoctetes and urges him to come with him to Troy.
  • Philoctetes is shocked by the betrayal and asks for his bow back.
  • As Neoptolemus is conflicted and think of giving it back, Odysseus suddenly appears and stops him and asks men to restrain Philoctetes.

Page 10: Lines 985 - 1091:

  • Philoctetes is angry at Odysseus and asks if he is going to be taken to Troy by force. If so he is going to commit suicide.
  • Odysseus asks his men to release Philoctetes and says they’ll leave him in the island since they don’t need him. They just needed his bow.
  • Odysseus and Neoptolemus leave and Philoctetes cries at his state at being abandoned once again.

Page 11: Lines 1092 - 1230:

  • Philoctetes is in despair and imagines Odysseus mocking him. The Chorus tries to calm him down.
  • After a while Neoptolemus plans to return, having had a change of heart. He tells Odysseus that he wants to right the wrong and return the bow wrongly taken.

Page 12: Lines 1231 - 1318:

Page 13: Lines 1318 - 1417:

  • Neoptolemus tries to persuade Philoctetes to come with them to Troy. But Philoctetes does not listen.
  • Finally he gives up and they get ready to go back to Greece. As they prepare to leave, Heracles appears out of thin air.

Page 14: Lines 1418 - 1471:

  • Heracles instructs Philoctetes to go to Troy and promises divine healing. He says it is his destiny to go to Troy and help win the war. Philoctetes bids farewell to Lemnos.