This is a play by Sophocles. It is in GB Volume 5. My newsletter post is here


  • Oedipus, King of Thebes
  • Priest of Zeus
  • Creon, brother of Jocasta
  • Teiresias. the blind prophet
  • Jocasta
  • First Messenger, a shepherdfrom Corinth
  • A Shepherd, formerly in the service of Laius
  • A Second Messenger, from the house
  • Chorus of Theban Elders


Page 1 (Lines 1-81)

  • The play opens in front of the royal palace in Thebes. A group of suppliants (chorus) are gathered before Oedipus, the king.
  • A priest of Zeus, on behalf of the group, says that a plague is ravaging the city, affecting crops, livestock and people.
  • Oedipus says that he will find a solution and has already sent Creon, his brother-in-law to consult the oracle at Delphi.

Page 2 (Lines 82-184)

  • Creon comes in, says that the message from the oracle is that Thebes needs to get rid of a ‘defiling thing’ from their city.
  • The murderer of King Laius, who was murdered on a road on his way to Delphi, is still alive and needs to be exiled for the plague to go away.
  • Oedipus vows to solve the mystery and find out who killed the previous king.

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