This is a play by Euripides. It is in GB Volume 5. The newsletter post is here.



  1. How does Euripides portray the theme of fate versus free will in the characters’ actions and decisions throughout “Rhesus”?
  2. What role does the concept of loyalty play in the relationships among the characters, particularly in the context of war and betrayal?
  3. In what ways does Euripides use symbolism and imagery to enhance the emotional impact of the narrative, particularly in relation to the character of Rhesus?

People in the play


  • I for my country will gladly run this risk and go to spy the Argive fleet, and when I have learnt fully all that the Achaeans plot I will return. (View Highlight)
  • among mortals the same man is not dowered by nature with universal knowledge (View Highlight)
  • Of gold was the yoke that linked the necks of his steeds whiter than the snow; and on his shoulders (View Highlight)
  • steeds whiter than the snow; and on his shoulders flashed his targe with figures welded in gold ; (View Highlight)
  • and on the morrow home from Ilium will I go, at one stroke ending all thy toil. (View Highlight)
  • No brave man deigns to smite his foe in secret, but to meet him face to face. (View Highlight)
  • If he survive this night until to-morrow’s dawn, neither Achilles nor Aias, stout spearman, can stay him from utterly destroying the Argive fleet, razing its palisades and carrying the on- slaught of his lance far and wide within the gates; slay him, and all is thine; (View Highlight)
  • to die with glory, if die one must, is bitterness enough (View Highlight)