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Great Books Ep 97. Aristophanes - The Clouds. The Commodification of Education by Rob, a bibliophile

The protagonist goes to school with an intent to learn how to cheat and avoid paying debts rather than intellectual development.

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The Clouds - Readwise Highlights



  • and they’ll teach (only they’ll want some money), How one may speak and conquer, right or wrong. (View Highlight)
  • So thou art but endued with a memory good, and accustomed profoundly to think, And thy soul wilt inure all wants to endure, and from no undertaking to shrink, And art hardy and bold, to bear up against cold, and with patience a supper thou losest: Nor too much dost incline to gymnastics and wine, but all lusts of the body refusest: And esteemest it best, what is always the test of a truly intelligent brain, To prevail and succeed whensoever you plead, and hosts of tongue-conquests to gain. (View Highlight)
  • So along with my hide from my duns I escape, And to men may appear without conscience or fear, Bold, hasty, and wise, a concocter of lies, A rattler to speak, a dodger, a sneak, A regular claw of the tables of law, A shuffler complete, well worn in deceit, A supple, unprincipled, troublesome cheat; (View Highlight)
  • Ph. What can one learn from them that is worth knowing ? St. Learn why, whatever’s clever in the world ! And you shall learn how gross and dense you are. (View Highlight)
  • R.L. I’ll smash you and your lies! W.L. By what method, forsooth? R.L. By speaking the Truth. W.L. Your words I will meet, and entirely defeat: There never was Justice or Truth, I repeat. (View Highlight)
  • W.L. If Justice be there, How comes it that Zeus could his father reduce, Yet live with their Godships unpunished and loose ? (View Highlight)
  • So now, I prithee, teach him both your Logics, The Better, as you call it, and the Worse Which with the worse cause can defeat the Better; Or if not both, at all events the Worse. So. Aye, with his own ears he shall hear them argue. I shan’t be there. St. But please remember this, Give him the knack of reasoning down all Justice. (View Highlight)
  • boys should be seen and not heard (View Highlight)
  • And rise from your chair if an elder be there, and respectfully give him your place, And with love and with fear your parents revere, and shrink from the brand of Disgrace, And deep in your breast be the Image impressed of Modesty, simple and true, Nor resort any more to a dancing-girl’s door, nor glance at the harlotry crew, (View Highlight)
  • How sweet it is these novel arts, these clever words to know, And have the power established rules and laws to overthrow. (View Highlight)
  • Well: Age is Second Childhood then: that everybody knows. (View Highlight)