The Acharnians - Readwise Highlights



  • I pass the time complaining, yawning, stretching, I fidget, write, twitch hairs out, do my sums, Gaze fondly country-wards, longing for Peace, Loathing the town, sick for my village-home, (View Highlight)
  • Am. Then here are treaties both by land and sea For thirty years. Di. O Feast of Dionysus These have a smell of nectar and ambrosia, And never mind about the three days’ rations, And in your mouth they say, “Go where you please.” These do I welcome, these I pour, and drain (View Highlight)
  • Alas that men should carry hearts as sour As unripe grapes, to pelt and roar, nor hear (View Highlight)
  • War I make For my ruined vineyard’s sake; And I ne’er From the strife Will give o’er, No, I ne’er Will forbear, Till I pierce them in return, Like a reed, Sharply barbed Dagger-pointed, and they learn Not to tread Down my vines Any more. (View Highlight)
  • Happy the man, Whoe’er he is, who weds thee and begets Kittens as fair and saucy as thyself. (View Highlight)
  • Here in my home I gladly greet ye, Six weary years of absence over; For I have made a private treaty And said good-bye to toils and fusses, And fights, and fighting Lamachuses. (View Highlight)
  • For what is true even comedy can tell. (View Highlight)
  • For those who are lashed by his satire, he said, must surely be better and wiser, And they’ll in the war be the stronger by far, enjoying his counsel and skill. (View Highlight)
  • Sort the writs, divide the actions, separating these from those; Who assails the old and toothless should be old and toothless too; (View Highlight)
  • War I’ll never welcome in to share my hospitality, Never shall the fellow sing Harmodius in my company, Always in his cups he acts so rudely and offensively. (View Highlight)
  • Never knew I till this moment all the glory of thy face, Reconciliation! O that Love would you and me unite in endless harmony, (View Highlight)
  • Off to your duties, my heroes bold. Different truly the paths ye tread; One to drink with wreaths on his head; One to watch, and shiver with cold, (View Highlight)