Pro Couchbase Development




  • eBay, which makes use of Couchbase stores 5.3 PB on a 532 node cluster. (Location 379)
    • Note: ebay-stat
  • Orbitz mentioned caching mechanism as the main reason for choosing Couchbase. (Location 517)
    • Note: orbitz-cb
  • Couchbase 2.0 added a feature called Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR) in which data is replicated across data centers to cluster/s in another data center, which could be at a geographically remote location. (Location 528)
    • Note: xdcr
  • Couchbase Server 2.5 Enterprise Edition introduced Rack Awareness. (Location 545)
    • Note: rack awareness
  • The Couchbase bucket type supports the full range of Couchbase-specific functionality and also has a higher Item size (20 MB) in contrast to 1 MB for Memcached. (Location 777)
    • Note: cb item size