



  • Factfulness, like a healthy diet and regular exercise, can and should become part of your daily life. Start to practice it, and you will be able to replace your overdramatic worldview with a worldview based on facts. You will be able to get the world right without learning it by heart. You will make better decisions, stay alert to real dangers and possibilities, and avoid being constantly stressed about the wrong things. (Location 275)
  • hooked on a single perspective: the seemingly reasonable but actually bizarre idea that a central government can solve all its people’s problems. (Location 2587)
  • History is full of visionaries who used simple utopian visions to justify terrible actions. Welcome complexity. Combine ideas. Compromise. Solve problems on a case-by-case basis. (Location 2624)
  • In fact, resist blaming any one individual or group of individuals for anything. Because the problem is that when we identify the bad guy, we are done thinking. And it’s almost always more complicated than that. It’s almost always about multiple interacting causes—a system. If you really want to change the world, you have to understand how it actually works and forget about punching anyone in the face. (Location 2885)
  • when people’s worldviews are upside down, data snippets can be just as misleading as wrong data or no data. (Location 3317)
  • When we have a fact-based worldview, we can see that the world is not as bad as it seems—and we can see what we have to do to keep making it better. (Location 3381)