This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends




  • In the United States, though, convenience was everything; it still is. We were plugging anything we could into the internet, at a rate of 127 devices a second. We had bought into Silicon Valley’s promise of a frictionless society. There wasn’t a single area of our lives that wasn’t touched by the web. We could now control our entire lives, economy, and grid via a remote web control. And we had never paused to think that, along the way, we were creating the world’s largest attack surface. (Location 300)
  • its solution to dealing with the bad actors in the world was escalating an arms race that only made the United States more vulnerable to attack. (Location 2672)
  • Cyberweapons didn’t require fissile material. The barrier to entry was so much lower; the potential for escalation so much swifter. (Location 4832)