The Last Anniversary




  • Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Location 1787)
  • It makes Rose yearn to be reliving any one of a thousand ordinary days spent with her ordinary older sister, who has now done this extraordinary thing and died. (Location 1812)
  • A woman wants to be adored but she doesn’t want reverence. Thomas was trying too hard. He had the strained expression of a man who is under-qualified for his job. He laughed too loudly at her jokes and sat too close to her. Sweet, serious, worried Thomas; he needed a woman who made him feel like a man and Sophie needed a man who could give her a run for her money. He was just plain too wimpy for her. (Location 2086)
  • Beautiful people probably suffer from terrible discrimination just like other minority (Location 2475)