The Ride of a Lifetime




  • The bond you form in high-stress moments like this, when you’re sharing information that you can’t discuss with anyone else, is a powerful one. (Location 97)
  • And I tend to approach bad news as a problem that can be worked through and solved, something I have control over rather than something happening to me. (Location 107)
  • It was a stark example of the truth that what people see on the outside so often doesn’t reflect what’s happening on the inside. (Location 200)
  • On the least eventful days, this job requires an ability to constantly adapt and re-adapt. (Location 223)
  • The days are challenging and dynamic, but they’re also a never-ending exercise in compartmentalization. (Location 226)
  • there are also, always, crises and failures for which you can never be fully prepared. (Location 229)
  • At its simplest, this book is about being guided by a set of principles that help nurture the good and manage the bad. (Location 231)
  • If you run a business or manage a team or collaborate with others in pursuit of a common goal, this book might be helpful to you. (Location 235)
  • universal ideas: (Location 236)
  • fostering risk taking and creativity; about building a culture of (Location 237)
  • trust; about fueling a deep and abiding curiosity in oneself and (Location 237)
  • inspiring that in the people around you; about embracing change (Location 237)
  • operating, (Location 238)
  • always, with integrity and honesty in the world, even when that means facing things that are difficult to face. (Location 238)
  • anyone (Location 241)
  • wanting to be less fearful, more confidently themselves, as they navigate their professional and even personal lives. (Location 241)
  • ten principles (Location 249)
  • true leadership. (Location 249)
  • Optimism. (Location 251)
  • people are not motivated or energized by pessimists. (Location 253)
  • Courage. (Location 253)
  • true innovation occurs only when people have courage. (Location 254)
  • Fear of failure destroys creativity. (Location 256)
  • Focus. (Location 256)
  • Allocating time, energy, and resources to the strategies, problems, and projects that are of highest importance and value is extremely important, and it’s imperative to communicate your priorities clearly and often. (Location 256)
  • Decisiveness. (Location 258)
  • All decisions, no matter how difficult, can and should be made in a timely (Location 258)
  • Leaders must encourage a diversity of opinion balanced with (Location 259)
  • Chronic indecision is not only inefficient and counterproductive, but it is deeply corrosive to morale. (Location 260)
  • Curiosity. (Location 261)
  • new people, places, and ideas, (Location 261)
  • awareness and an understanding of the marketplace (Location 261)
  • Fairness. (Location 263)
  • fair (Location 263)
  • decent treatment of people. (Location 263)
  • People committing honest mistakes deserve second chances, (Location 264)
  • worse (Location 265)
  • culture of fear. (Location 265)
  • Thoughtfulness. (Location 265)
  • gaining knowledge, (Location 266)
  • develop informed opinions. (Location 267)
  • Authenticity. (Location 268)
  • genuine. (Location 268)
  • honest. (Location 268)
  • Truth and authenticity breed respect and trust. (Location 269)
  • Pursuit of Perfection. (Location 270)
  • you believe that something can be made better, (Location 271)
  • put in the effort to do it. (Location 271)
  • be in the business of making things great. (Location 272)
  • Integrity. (Location 272)
  • company’s success depends on setting high ethical standards for all things, big and small. (Location 273)
  • The way you do anything is the way you do everything. (Location 274)
  • It’s easy to get swept up in the glamour of Hollywood and lose all perspective; and it’s equally easy to feel contempt for it and lose all perspective. (Location 2669)
  • Surround yourself with people who are good in addition to being good at what they do. You can’t always predict who will have ethical lapses or reveal a side of themselves you never suspected was there. In the worst cases, you will have to deal with acts that reflect badly on the company and demand censure. (Location 2732)