Life After Google




  • Don’t worry, though. For every obsolescent homo sapiens, the leading Silicon Valley magnates recommend a federally guaranteed annual income. (Location 185)
  • Security is not a benefit or upgrade that can be supplied by adding new layers of passwords, pony-tailed “swat teams,” intrusion detection schemes, anti-virus patches, malware prophylactics, and software retro-fixes. Security is the foundation of all other services and crucial to all financial transactions. It is the most basic and indispensable component of any information technology. (Location 239)
  • If security is not integral to an information technology architecture, that architecture must be replaced. (Location 248)
  • “Big data” takes just the opposite approach. The idea of big data is that the previous slow, clumsy, step-by-step search for knowledge by human brains can be replaced if two conditions are met: All the data in the world can be compiled in a single “place,” and algorithms sufficiently comprehensive to analyze them can be written. (Location 415)
  • If the Google theory is that universal knowledge is attained through the iterative processing of enormous amounts of data, then the data have to be somewhere accessible to the processors. (Location 427)
  • The “cloud,” then, is an artful name for the great new heavy industry of our times: (Location 430)
  • “I look at people here as missionaries, not mercenaries. (Location 528)
  • interfaces, its instant responses, its MapReduce, Hadoop, and “Spanner” big-database schemes, its (Location 696)
  • For every other player on the Net, the lack of security is the most relevant threat to its current business model. (Location 723)
  • The Internet is a giant asynchronous replicator that communicates by copying. (Location 736)
  • Bell’s Law, every decade a hundredfold drop in the price of processing power engenders a new computer architecture. (Location 846)
  • “When the network becomes as fast as the processor, the computer hollows out and spreads across the network.” (Location 864)
  • winning companies are those that waste what is abundant—as signaled by precipitously declining prices—to save what is scarce. (Location 890)
  • All wealth is ultimately a product of long-term investment based on knowledge and discovery. (Location 1397)
  • Midas’s error was to mistake gold, wealth’s monetary measure, for wealth itself. But wealth is not a thing or a random sequence. It is inextricably rooted in hard won knowledge over extended time. (Location 1411)
  • Just as physics founders when it tries to use instruments made of electrons and photons to measure electrons and photons, artificial intelligence founders when computers use computers to explain themselves. (Location 1537)
  • The blind spot of AI is that consciousness does not emerge from thought; it is the source of it. (Location 1545)
  • “It has the potential for a positive feedback loop; as users increase, the value goes up, which could attract more users to take advantage of the increasing value. We would rather depend on this process than on needless provocations.” (Location 2007)
  • simple system focused on security may in the end be more functional than a complex system focused on capabilities. (Location 2313)
  • storage project named Syndicate, an enterprise file-storage system based on blockchains. (Location 2522)
  • “Blockchains can handle intricate property rights needed for complex digital assets that can be routinely copied and for which time-stamped proof of authorship is crucial. (Location 2709)
  • 5G is the technological infrastructure for a coming revolution in networks. It enables new distributed security systems for the Internet of Things, the blockchain ledgers of the new crypto-economy of micropayments, and the augmented and virtual reality platforms of advanced Internet communications. (Location 3345)
  • Engineers know that voice, video, 3D interactive games, virtual reality, financial transactions, 911 calls, streaming music, messages, content delivery networks, email, radio ID systems, software downloads, the Internet of Things, and machine-to-machine links are technologically different in almost every respect. No carrier can treat them the same. A law that requires treating them the same is merely a mandate for constant litigation and thus Damoclean and arbitrary government power. (Location 3396)
  • “Prosperity only happens when there is no easy way for people to produce money, and instead they have to produce useful things.” (Location 3670)
  • As the only irreversible element in the universe, with directionality imparted by thermodynamic entropy, time is the ultimate frame of reference for all measured values. (Location 3752)
  • Super AI succeeds by vastly accelerating the speed of game-playing, (Location 3770)
  • The measure of all artificial intelligence is the human mind. It is low-power, distributed globally, low-latency in proximity to its environment, inexorably bounded in time and space, and creative in the image of its creator. (Location 3871)
  • No reason for virtual reality to be relegated to rare, impossible, dangerous, or expensive markets if it can be ubiquitous. (Location 3930)
  • Rendering algorithms is an empirical quest to explain reality, with human enlightenment as both the source and the goal. (Location 3944)
  • For example, international currency trading is roughly seventy-three times more voluminous than all global trading in goods and services and an estimated one hundred times as voluminous as all stock market transactions. (Location 4042)