Become an Idea Machine




  • IDEAS ARE THE CURRENCY OF LIFE. Not money. Money gets depleted until you go broke. But good ideas buy you good experiences, buy you better ideas, buy you better experiences, buy you more time, save your life. (Location 288)
  • Coming up with ten ideas a day is like exercise. And exercise makes the idea muscle stronger. (Location 320)
  • When you come up with 10 ideas a day, or about 3000 ideas a year (depending on weather you include weekends or not), ideas will explode out of you. You will be unstoppable in every situation. (Location 323)
  • Remember: complaining is draining. So I wanted to make better use of that energy rather than fight it. (Location 353)
  • And change can only start with us. From within by making sure we are physically healthy (take a walk, bathe, take care of your health), mentally healthy (practicing the ideas of this book), spiritually healthy by going beyond “thank you” and really feeling gratitude for new and different things every day, and emotionally healthy by surrounding ourselves with people that support and cheer us up. (Location 382)
  • That is what happens when you train your idea muscle and then you stumble on one you love. You are acting from inspiration, there are no goals, there is just flow, there is just now, and this amazing feeling of doing something really good. (Location 472)
  • When an idea has electricity in it you will have no choice but to move into action. And you will love it because it will set your heart on fire. (Location 500)
  • The more value you bring to the world with your ideas, the more value you will bring to yourself, your family, and your community. (Location 543)
  • Your turn: List 10 things that you don’t like and then turn them into things you can be grateful for. (Location 558)
  • Now your turn: List 10 apps you would like to use. It does not matter whether they already exist or not, think of what would be helpful for you in particular. (Location 566)
  • Now your turn: List 10 moments during an average every-day for you in which you could sit, close your eyes, and maybe exercise the gratitude muscle. (Location 575)
  • Now, your turn to sweat the idea muscle: What are 10 courses you would love to see and take in Coursera and what is in their curriculum? (Location 586)