Do I need my guilt? - Readwise Highlights


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  • Full Title: Do I need my guilt?
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The author discusses how anger can be a natural emotion but can become problematic if expressed destructively. They suggest that understanding and managing anger, along with processing guilt, can lead to personal growth and compassion. Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals respond to anger more constructively and avoid feeling stuck in guilt after outbursts.
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  • want to exact revenge. They argue that it’s necessary: If we don’t stick up for people who’ve been wronged, wrongdoers will feel emboldened to keep harming others. But Athena thinks blood vengeance is no way to run a civilization. (View Highlight)
  • For the Furies, and for lots of us humans, the behavioral response is often to seek revenge or lash out. That’s why a long line of Western philosophers — from Seneca in the first century to Martha Nussbaum in the 21st — argued that anger is pretty much always irrational and destructive. (View Highlight)
  • guilt — like anger — is meant to be a useful indicator. It’s there to tell you when you’ve acted out of line with your values. (View Highlight)