Mastery of Oneself - Readwise Highlights


  • Author: Farnam Street
  • Full Title: Mastery of Oneself
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The newsletter “Mastery of Oneself” shares insights on the importance of consistency and self-mastery for achieving success. It highlights that focus and daily choices matter more than time itself. Additionally, embracing change and new ideas can create opportunities for growth.
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  • You don’t need more time. You need more focus. (View Highlight)
  • Time isn’t the constraint. Your choices are. Great outcomes aren’t built on great days, but on consistent ones. (View Highlight)
  • Perfect days don’t compound. Consistent ones do. (View Highlight)
  • the height of your success is gauged by your self-mastery, the depth of your failure by your self-abandonment. (View Highlight)
  • “Churn is the silent killer of businesses. It’s the slow leak, the constant drip of customers slipping away, of users drifting off to find something new. The attrition eats away at your growth, forcing you to keep running to stay in place. (View Highlight)
  • Replacing what is worn out creates new opportunities. Some churn is inevitable. Too much can kill you.” (View Highlight)