Summary: This week, Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with Truth, is highlighted, showcasing his journey of moral and spiritual growth. Tim Ferriss announced his upcoming book, The No Book, which focuses on prioritizing what truly matters in life. Additionally, a recent article explores how America’s rise in solitude is linked to changes in social interactions and technology.
Phones mean that solitude is more crowded than it used to be, and crowds are more solitary (View Highlight)
Now our social time is haunted by the possibility that something more interesting is happening somewhere else, and our downtime is contaminated by the streams and posts and texts of dozens of friends, colleagues, frenemies, strangers (View Highlight)
Some meditation practices can help ease the anxious edges of modern life. Others can change your mind forever (View Highlight)
Overthinking = scattered consciousness. Focus = single pointed consciousness. If you allow yourself to be distracted by social media, messages, emails, calls, and cheap media…You are training your mind to be chaotic. (View Highlight)