Summary: The text explores T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Journey of the Magi,” which reflects on the spiritual journey of the Three Wise Men seeking God. It highlights the hardships of the journey, the transformative encounter with the Christ-child, and the ongoing struggle of living in faith. Ultimately, it reminds us that the search for God is complex but deeply rewarding.
The Epiphany story can be read in two ways: as a description of an actual historical event or as an allegory of the soul’s journey to God. (View Highlight)
The poem is divided into three parts, corresponding to what Eliot sees as three spiritual stages through which God-seeking pilgrims pass: the hard journey to Bethlehem (searching for God), the encounter with the Christ-child (finding God), and the return home (living in God). (View Highlight)
conversion is a halting and laborious process so fraught with mental and spiritual uncertainty—although also offering moments of illuminating grace—that we’re tempted at times to chuck the whole thing. (View Highlight)
Birth in God and living in God means an ongoing dying to worldliness, and dying is always a painful process. (View Highlight)