Summary: The author celebrates Thanksgiving and emphasizes the importance of love and loss in life. She reflects on the joy and grief of loving dogs, encouraging people to embrace new relationships even after loss. Ultimately, she believes that love is everlasting and should be shared with many, despite the pain of goodbyes.
the substrate that lies beneath all of those blessings, is that ephemeral, impermanent foundation we all thrive on. Love, of course. How tightly we grasp it whenever, wherever we find it because it’s also the loss we fear most deeply. Perhaps more than our own mortality. (View Highlight)
That love is a thing we have forever. It doesn’t go away. I mean that somewhat literally, actually. Because we experienced it, it became a part of our psyche, perhaps even at a cellular level. It’s now a known thing that powerful experiences can change our physiology. What’s more powerful than love? And once we’ve had a love, it’s ours. Forever. (View Highlight)