Summary: The election of Trump marked a shift toward a new type of right-wing politics in the U.S., moving away from traditional conservatism. The Democratic Party struggles with a centralized structure that resembles urban political machines, which may hinder its connection with voters. Additionally, there is growing concern about the politicization of science, highlighting the need for scientists to maintain public trust by remaining apolitical.
people didn’t really like either the progressivism of the 2010s or MAGA, but when it became clear that more people disliked the former than the latter, the country just sort of collectively concluded that it was time to reject 2010s progressivism (View Highlight)
science is the best—arguably the only—approach humankind has developed to peer into the future, to project the outcomes of various possible decisions using the known laws of the natural world (View Highlight)
scientists need to better explain the norms and values of science to reinforce the notion…that science, at its most basic, is apolitical…Whether conservative or liberal, citizens ignore the nature of reality at their peril (View Highlight)
When you pay teachers more based on performance, you attract teachers who are capable of better performance (View Highlight)