Summary: Understanding human psychology can lead to success in writing and business without manipulation. By recognizing chaos, changing yourself first, and focusing on problem-solving, you can effectively connect with others. Applying these psychological insights allows you to create value and achieve your goals while helping people feel better.
In a lowered emotional state, we only see the problems, not solutions
– Tony Robbins (View Highlight)
Essayist Anaïs Nin said: “We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.” (View Highlight)
New highlights added November 29, 2024 at 8:14 AM
Dan Koe is a friend and psychological genius. He said:
“You can either remain a slave to the code written in your head, or you can go through the painful experience of learning it, deconstructing it, and reprogramming it.” (View Highlight)
“People by and large become what they think of themselves.” (View Highlight)