Ways of Flourishing


  • Author: Steven Johnson
  • Full Title: Ways of Flourishing
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The author discusses how human life expectancy has dramatically increased from 35 years to over 70 in just a century. This change allows for deeper relationships across generations and encourages long-term thinking about the future. However, rapid advancements in technology, especially AI, pose new challenges for how we adapt to this new reality of extended life.
  • URL: https://adjacentpossible.substack.com/p/ways-of-flourishing


  • it’s important to savor moments in your life where something goes well for you professionally or personally, so that you can cement that positive feeling in your mind, and thus be more inclined to seek it out again (View Highlight)
  • when you think you have a good chance of living for a century or more—in part because your direct relatives are living that long—your temporal horizons expand (View Highlight)
  • A technologically advanced culture cannot flourish without getting better at anticipating the future. (View Highlight)
  • The core idea behind that book was that a defining superpower of human beings is our ability to mentally time-travel to possible future states, and think about how we might organize our activities to arrive at those imagined future outcomes (View Highlight)
  • What gave flight to the human mind and all its inventiveness may not have been the usual culprits of our opposable thumbs or our gift for language. It may, instead, have been freeing our minds from the tyranny of the present. (View Highlight)
  • death is, in the most basic sense, the termination point of human flourishing. But it’s also the shadow that hovers over us while we are still alive (View Highlight)