If You Only Have 60 Minutes a Day to Build a One-Person Business, Do This
- Author: Tim Denning
- Full Title: If You Only Have 60 Minutes a Day to Build a One-Person Business, Do This
- Category: articles
- Summary: Very, very dumb people are making 1M with this approach
- URL: https://timdenning.substack.com/p/if-you-only-have-60-minutes-a-day
- life will always throw curveballs at you. Don’t be a loser and use them as excuses to do nothing. Use tragic events as a reason to move forward, not drift 100 steps backward. (View Highlight)
- “The worst prison in the world is having the talent and intelligence to achieve something great but lacking the courage to go out and do it” – Sahil Bloom (View Highlight)