Make-Work Is Not the Future of Work


  • Author: Noah Smith
  • Full Title: Make-Work Is Not the Future of Work
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) is on strike, which could disrupt the U.S. economy and lead to job losses across many sectors. The union’s demands include a complete ban on automation at ports, despite already favorable wage conditions. This strike may damage the labor movement’s reputation and alienate political allies, especially with an election approaching.
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  • If a deal isn’t reached soon, inflation could come roaring back, and lots of Americans could lose their jobs at the same time. (View Highlight)
  • Is it right that the livelihoods of millions of Americans should hang on the whims of 50,000 dockworkers? Is it smart to give a single union the power to shut down a large portion of America’s critical infrastructure? Collective bargaining is important, but there should be limits on how destructive we allow that bargaining process to be. (View Highlight)