Look Inside


  • Author: Reena Kapoor
  • Full Title: Look Inside
  • Category: articles
  • Document Note: Very thought-provoking story. I guess only self-reflection and willingness to learn can break the cycle of violence. I hope the young man also did the same but based on what we see happening around the world, people, in general, seem to be more angry. We see protests and wars breaking out in so many places. Violence is not the answer, we have so much of written, oral and video history to prove that it leads to more harm than good But still, there is no lack of it.
  • Summary: #47: A 100-word story on where to look when anger strikes +
  • URL: https://arrivalsanddepartures.substack.com/p/look-inside


  • She asked me what weakness made me resort to violence? Or was I just too stupid to communicate with words? (View Highlight)