Are You Simply Being Nice for Love and Approval?


  • Author: Diamond-Michael Scott
  • Full Title: Are You Simply Being Nice for Love and Approval?
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The author reflects on the danger of being overly nice in relationships, often sacrificing their true self for approval and love. This self-abandonment leads to resentment and disconnection, as genuine kindness requires authenticity without expectations. The key takeaway is to prioritize self-respect and stay true to oneself, rather than molding to others’ needs.
  • URL:


  • But at its core, the Nice Guy or Gal complex is a betrayal of self—a Faustian bargain where authenticity is sacrificed on the altar of approval. (View Highlight)
  • I thought that by being everything to someone else, they’d finally be what I needed. The expectation I clung to was a subtle poison that eroded any chance of authentic connection. (View Highlight)
  • The irony is that while I was bending over backward to be what I thought this person wanted, they likely never even saw the effort. Or worse, they saw it and simply didn’t care.  When someone is wired to take without giving, your sacrifices are invisible—just part of the expected landscape. You could build them a kingdom, and they’d still ask where the crown is. (View Highlight)
  • The wisdom of “know yourself, be yourself” isn’t just a platitude—it’s a lifeline. If you’re not anchored in who you are, it’s frighteningly easy to be swept away by the currents of someone else’s whims. (View Highlight)
  • take care of yourself first, not out of selfishness, but out of self-respect. The right people will appreciate you for who you are, not for how much you can twist yourself into what they want. (View Highlight)
  • the importance of living from a place of grounded, unwavering integrity—where your actions stem from who you truly are, not from who you think you need to be to gain someone else’s approval. (View Highlight)