5 Reasons Why Your Best Developers Will Quit - And How Can You Postpone It


  • Author: Anton Zaides
  • Full Title: 5 Reasons Why Your Best Developers Will Quit - And How Can You Postpone It
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: Developers often quit because they feel unappreciated, lonely, bored, stuck, or apathetic. To retain them, managers should ensure they feel valued, connected to their team, challenged in their work, and passionate about the company’s mission. However, not all departures can be prevented, as personal and professional changes may lead them to new opportunities.
  • URL: https://zaidesanton.substack.com/p/why-developers-quit


  • what does an unmotivated developer feel?
    1. Unappreciated (and/or underpaid).
    2. Lonely.
    3. Bored.
    4. Stuck.
    5. Apathetic. When a developer quits, it’s almost always because they feel one (or more) of those 5 things. So to keep them motivated, we ‘just’ need to figure out how to make them feel valued, connected, challenged, growing, and passionate about their work. (View Highlight)
  • When a developer asks for a raise, it may already be too late. If you don’t give them what they asked for - they’ll probably leave soon. If you do - you won’t get any credit, they’ll just feel as if they got what they deserve. (View Highlight)