GOD vs NO GOD - And the Winner Is?


  • Author: David Eagleman
  • Full Title: GOD vs NO GOD - And the Winner Is?
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The text discusses the vast mysteries of the universe and the role of science in exploring them. It emphasizes the importance of holding multiple hypotheses and being open to possibilities, a concept known as “possibilism.” Ultimately, it highlights our limited understanding and the need for curiosity in scientific exploration.
  • URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP_Q6JqFMf0


  • that’s the real lesson that you get from science is about the vastness of our ignorance (View Highlight)
  • we know too little to commit to strict atheism and we know far too much to commit to a particular religious story (View Highlight)
  • I call myself a possibilian and the idea with possibilism is an active exploration of new ideas and a comfort with the scientific temperament of creativity and holding multiple hypotheses in mind (View Highlight)
  • we think okay we’ve sort of got all the pieces and parts but on the one hand there’s all all the the unknown unknowns all the stuff we don’t even know we don’t know but what I want to emphasize is all the stuff that we know for sure we don’t know (View Highlight)
  • dark matter is not a tiny fudge, Factor 90% of the known universe is what we call Dark Matter that’s a lot to sweep under the rug (View Highlight)
  • human brain this is the most complicated device we have ever found in the universe it’s essentially an alien kind of computational material and it is so dense in its connectivity that if you were to take a cubic millimeter of brain tissue there are more Connections in there than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy (View Highlight)