At Least Five Interesting Things: Build Something, Dammit! - Readwise Highlights


  • Author: Noah Smith
  • Full Title: At Least Five Interesting Things: Build Something, Dammit!
  • Category: articles
  • Summary: The author discusses a shift in progressive economic policy towards focusing on abundance, such as more housing and clean energy, while acknowledging the importance of a growing private sector. There are concerns about how some progressive policies may hinder growth and alienate key groups, like unions. Despite challenges, there are signs of improving job quality in the U.S. as high-skilled positions replace lower-quality jobs.
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  • The abundance folks, who include writers like Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias, believe that progressive economic policy should focus on delivering the American populace more of the things they want — more housing, energy, health care, and so on. (View Highlight)
  • It’s kind of mind-boggling that Americans would be more tolerant of the CCP reading their texts than of the NSA doing the same. (View Highlight)
  • low-skilled service jobs are actually becoming less common in America now, even as high-skilled professional jobs continue to grow. (View Highlight)