“Easy Choices, Hard Life. Hard Choices, Easy Life.”


  • Author: Noah Sochaczevski
  • Full Title: “Easy Choices, Hard Life. Hard Choices, Easy Life.”
  • Category:articles
  • Summary: Noah Sochaczevski shares how reading “The Almanack of Naval Ravikant” changed his life after feeling lost and directionless. The book taught him important lessons about happiness, hard choices, and pursuing passions. It inspired him to get back on track, improve his life, and start new ventures.
  • URL: https://booksthatmadeus.substack.com/p/easy-choices-hard-life-hard-choices


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  • “Happiness, love, and passion… aren’t things you find – they’re choices you make” (View Highlight)
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  • “Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.” (View Highlight)