Ep 71: Why Do Our Memories Drift? Part2: Misremembering Yourself | INNER COSMOS WITH DAVID EAGLEMAN



  • you are physically a different person every seven years (View Highlight)
  • over time your memory of a story becomes more coherent with your internal model of the world and also more aligned with whatever your cultural norms are (View Highlight)
  • memories are not static recordings but instead they are stored in vast constellations of neurons that are interconnected and dynamic and new experiences can alter these neural connections leading to changes in how memories are recalled (View Highlight)
  • our bodies change so much during our life that like a clock’s hour hand it’s difficult to detect the changes so every seven years for example every cell in your body has been replaced physically you are not you anymore but you’re a new you fortunately there’s one constant that links all these different versions of you together and that is memory (View Highlight)