Women Are the Church’s Untouchables




  • The Church of England finally ordained women on 12 March 1994, twenty years after the Episcopal Church and nearly four decades after Royden’s death. But there are still Christian denominations out there that treat women as untouchables. (View Highlight)
  • There were women standing near the Cross when Our Lord was crucified. Is the Cross less sacred than the altar? Or the crucifixion less sacred than the Mass? (View Highlight)
  • We find it intolerable that while the veriest little ragamuffin of a boy may “serve” at the altar, women whom we revere as leaders, reverence as saints, are excluded. (View Highlight)
  • We were not baptized into this religion of rules and of the letter, nor into Paul, nor Apollos, but into Christ. To this supreme Authority we appea (View Highlight)
  • We find in the teaching of Jesus no suggestion of inequality between the sexes. (View Highlight)