What and How to Read



  • Author: Janan Ganesh
  • Full Title: What and How to Read
  • Category:articles
  • Summary: The author argues that it’s better to read older books rather than contemporary ones, as timeless literature has proven its worth over time. He suggests that newer books often focus on fleeting topics and may not provide lasting value. For a richer reading experience, it’s best to prioritize books that have stood the test of time.
  • URL: https://www.ft.com/content/685a4f4d-2826-494e-a8ab-e561801fb7b3


  • To read well is to ignore the now. This is true of no other art form, because no other art form is so time-intensive. (View Highlight)
  • Don’t read fewer than 50 pages in a sitting. The cost of pecking at a book here and there is a lost sense of its narrative wholeness. (View Highlight)