Too Detailed in the Wrong Ways, Not Detailed Enough in the Right Ways



  • Author: Wes Kao
  • Full Title: Too Detailed in the Wrong Ways, Not Detailed Enough in the Right Ways
  • Category:articles
  • Summary: In this newsletter, Wes Kao discusses the importance of sharing the right details in communication. He highlights common mistakes, such as providing too much irrelevant information or failing to give necessary context. The key is to tailor your details to your audience and situation to enhance understanding and avoid confusion.
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  • A detail is simply a fact, data point, words, or piece of information. By itself, it is neutral. It’s not good or bad. Details aren’t the problem. The problem is too many of the wrong details. (View Highlight)
  • every detail adds cognitive load. Cognitive load means friction. And friction prevents people from doing what you want them to do. (View Highlight)
  • To get you started, here are questions to ask yourself: • What is your main point and why is this important? • What is your goal in sharing this information? • What action do you want your recipient to take? • Are you really answering the question they’re asking? • How much does your audience already know? (View Highlight)