10 Common Ways Engineering Managers Get Stuck



  • Author: Anton Zaides
  • Full Title: 10 Common Ways Engineering Managers Get Stuck
  • Category:articles
  • Summary: Engineering managers often get stuck by ignoring destructive behaviors, trying to please everyone, and neglecting their own personal development. They may also define their roles too narrowly and fail to build important relationships within their organization. To overcome these challenges, managers should focus on effective communication, flexibility, and showcasing their team’s successes.
  • URL: https://zaidesanton.substack.com/p/10-common-ways-engineering-managers


  • • Ignoring destructive behaviors • Trying to please everyone • Fighting too hard for your principles • Not spending time building relationships • Defining your role too narrowly • Forgetting your manager is a human being • Neglecting Personal Development • Only managing down • Only managing up • Never managing up (View Highlight)
  • (View Highlight)