Writes # Cuoreosity- Living The Questions - https://millardj.substack.com/

08-01-2024 - Brittle Star

  • https://millardj.substack.com/p/brittle-star
  • My response: Loved the poem. More than than that, I loved the poetic explanation of the context. A deeply thoughtful reflection on existence, perception and the power of poetry! All the best for your future endeavors, Jamie.
  • Brittle star is an animal that looks like starfish, but it is not. I has no brain or eyes. Its whole body is the eye. Jamie found it when he was walking on the coast in Scotland.
  • Exploring the themes of consciousness, language, and the limitations of human perception.
  • Quote - “We as humans are limited by the physical confines of our five senses. We are limited by the languages we speak. Our senses allow us only a brief glimpse of reality. Language lives to label and is unable to truly describe the wonder of being here.
  • Poetry transcends these limitations and helps us access deeper forms of knowing.