From Viam’s article on How to Read One Book per Week


  • The Great Gatsby — Fitzgerald
  • Animal Farm — George Orwell
  • The Road — Cormac McCarthy
  • Bel Ami — Maupassant
  • The Count of Monte Cristo — Alexandre Dumas
  • Les Miserables — Victor Hugo 
  • The Three Musketeers — Alexandre Dumas
  • Call of the Wild — Jack London
  • The Fountainhead — Ayn Rand


  • Meditation — Marcus Aurelius
  • Discourse on Volontary Servitude — Etienne de la Boetie
  • Thus Spoke Zarahustra — Nietzche
  • Civil Disobedience — Thoreau
  • Zadig — Voltaire
  • Candide — Voltaire

Books on Writing

  • Martin Eden — Jack London
  • Novelist as Vocation — Murakami
  • On Writing — Stephen King
  • The element of style — William Strunk
  • The War of Art — Steven Pressfield

Science Fiction

  • The Ice People — Barjavel
  • Brave New World — Aldous Huxley

Fantasy / Magic

  • Lord of the Rings — Tolkien
  • Game of Thrones — Georges RR Martin
  • Royal Assassin Saga — Robin Hobb
  • Harry Potter Saga — J.K Rowling