Source: 2024-08-21 - Greer - The Silicon Valley Canon External URL:

Collison’s List

Rand1957Atlas Shrugged
Brand1968-1972The Whole Earth Catalog
Pirsig1974Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Brooks1975The Mythical Man-Month
Caro1975The Power Broker
Dawkins1976The Selfish Gene
Alexander1977A Pattern Language
Card1977Ender’s Game
Hoftstader1979Gödel, Escher, Bach
Wolfe1983The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce
Ableson and Sussman1984Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Feynman1985Surely You’re Joking, Mr Feynman!
Rhodes1985The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Malone1985The Big Score
Carse1986Finite and Infinite Games
Grove1995High Output Management
Stephenson1995The Diamond Age
Rich1996Skunk Works
Scott1998Seeing Like a State
Raymond1999The Cathedral and the Bazaar
Hiltzik1999Dealers of Lightning
Davidson and Rees-Mogg1999The Sovereign Individual
Waldrop2001The Dream Machine
Morris2001The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
Collins2001Good To Great
Kushner2003Masters of Doom
Cowen2003-2023Marginal Revolution
Kurzweil2005The Singularity is Near
Markoff2006What the Dormouse Said
Livingston2008Founders at Work
Meadows2008Thinking in Systems
Yudkowsky et. al.2009-2024LessWrong
Wu2010The Master Switch
Reis2011The Lean Startup
Herztfeld2011Revolution in the Valley
Deutsch2012The Beginning of Infinity
Jackson2012The PayPal Wars
Thorndike2012The Outsiders
Alexander2013-2024Slate Star Codex/Astral Codex Ten
Thiel2014Zero to One
Horowitz2014The Hard Thing about Hard Things
Gordon2016The Rise and Fall of American Growth
Vance2017Elon Musk
Wiener2020Uncanny Valley

Added by others

Marcus Aureliusc. 170-180 ADMeditations
Tolkien1954-1955The Lord of the Rings
Adams1979The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Banks1988The Player of Games
Stephenson1992Snow Crash
Grove1995High Output Management
Christensen1997The Innovator’s Dilemma
Collins2001Good To Great
Kurzweil2005The Singularity is Near
Taleb2007The Black Swan
Wu2010The Master Switch
Weir2011The Martian
Isaacson2011Steve Jobs
Kahneman2011Thinking Fast and Slow
Thorndike2012The Outsiders
RaoVariousRibbonfarm essays
GirardVariousVarious titles