“Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another.”
Was super glad to see Cloud Atlas as one of the books in Bill Gates’s reading list for this summer. I bought the book back in 2013 but haven’t read it yet.
I still remember the first time I saw a trailer for the movie Cloud Atlas and being amazed and speechless. It was probably one of the best trailers I’d seen and the concept of interwoven lives and people being connected across generations really appealed to me. The quote above, is one from the movie trailer and I can’t believe that the quote found its way to me at this point in time!
I have always felt that the whole of humanity is bound in some way and that the people we encounter matter to us more than we give credit for. There are people that we’re happy to be with, people that we want to connect to, even if it is just for a chat, light up our days like no other, music that we hear for the first time and somehow feel that we’ve always known it.
We think that we’re the sum total of all the things that’ve learnt from childhood, and like climbing a ladder, we keep going up, growing up, with each new thing that we learn every minute. But we actually know more than what we’ve been taught or learnt on our own, more than what extrapolations of data accumulated in our minds can explain. Where did that extra knowledge come from?
I’ve seen the movie a couple of times and probably will see it again. It is a sci-fi movie as well as historical fiction with stunning visuals and great acting. Hope to read the book this year.
Here is a another memorable quote from the Book/Movie.
”A half-finished book is, after all, a half-finished love affair.”