Gosh ! I jus came to know that A’d changed from specs to lenses. When ?
Now I got it ! I met him last week.. that too after a gap of a year ! he asked if I noticed any change in him. I get into this confused-i-wanna-chicken-out kind of state when someone asks me this !
I think I’d said “haha .. you look exactly the same. You don’t eat much. Do you ? I guess I too haven’t changed much.”
(A might’ve been thinking – ‘bummer! I’ve gotten rid my specs and you don’t even notice the difference ! grr !!’)

This’s been a problem which, for a long time I never knew ! Some friend wears a new dress or gets a new get-up and I never notice. The fact of the matter is, this hurts people…sometimes. v Once I thought I’d fix it …
had told myself “watch it ! from today .. I’m gonna get more interested in the ‘appearance’”

The very next day I caught P coming to office.

Me – “hey P, you look different ! you’ve started wearing specs, haven’t you ? Cool ! I must say you now look your true intellectual self.”

I was really happy I that I noticed some change as soon as I wanted to. Man ! there is nothing in life that you can’t learn once you put your mind into it.

P’d looked at me curiously and laughed – “what’s wrong with you? I’ve been wearing specs from high school”

So much for bothering about looks ! I guess I’ll have to stick to what people feel, like or read !

Header Image - “Hidden view - A double exposure self portrait” by Jon Bush via Flickr.