St.George’s festival. Theophilus thirumeni (formerly MC Cherian achen) went over St. George’s life – the same story that had been told to me many times as a kid – more so because I had this paranoid fear of snakes. I’ve had moments in which I missed stamping on a snake or a snake bite by sheer luck ! If you said there was just one in a million chance to see a snake in the city of Bangalore.. yes.. may be.. but there is that one in a million..

We had a photo of him, St.George – an old, almost faded, small but framed one, in which the brave hero stands face to face with the dragon with a spear in his hand on a white horse . He is staring into the dragon’s eyes and the open mouthed dragon is lunging towards him. The dragon isn’t afraid and he isn’t even a bit scared !

Takes me back to the times when we used to go to kerala during summer vacations. Everything seemed to happen right during that time. Mango’s came at that time. It rained at that time. And this perunal too. It was one time we could have the most delicious of kozhi (chicken) currys.

It was also the day of Mexican celebration – Cinco de Mayo (simply means – the 5th of May). As I was returning home I could see a lot of people on the streets holding the Mexican flag.
We went to the park in the evening. Guardalupe park was full of people. After coming from India I’d never seen so many people together in one single place. There were many stalls. There were a couple of stages in which some bands were playing. The music was good. There was a dancing corner. But I didn’t try it out.
There are a few things that I can best do alone ! dancing may be one of them !!