Re-lived a wonderful moment when I accidentally read one of my old scribblings.

There are some places where the moment you go, you feel completely at ease ; you’d stay, transfixed with a longing in your heart to be left there forever! It could be a library, a church, a temple, top of a mountain, a beach, an island, a hut in the middle of a forest, a river bank .. it could even be someone’s house.

SK’s house, it’s not a house, it is a being. The moment you enter, you feel a warm, smooth embrace. There is certainly something there.. something in the way the house was built, something in the way things were arranged, something in the way lighting was set up, something that kept you suspended in a dream-like state.

The flute at the shelf near the bottom of the stairs was lazily placed but you felt as though it blew music into your mind. The winding stairs that led to a small study upstairs beckoned you to go up and when you did, it wasn’t merely going up in space, you felt as though you were elevated to a higher state.. you floated into heaven.

In the small study upstairs, the books on the shelf didn’t seem like sad children who were forcefully disciplined to stand at attention.. they seemed rather relaxed and smiling, leaning on each other, beckoning you to hold and touch and feel and experience.

You might end up standing there forever, wishing that the moment never went away..

But if you did, you’d miss the patio and the overlooking swimming pool and the painting stand by the side.

_Dear Poet, thanks for making my day memorable.

When I think back, there is much more to describe. Much more beyond description.

Header Image - “hand-carved flutes” by Kristen Burns via Flickr.