I read this book on the way back from our Alaska Trip during during last winter (2019). The trip itself was magical since it was like going to a different land that I’ve only seen in movies or read in books. Read the book in Fairbanks airport, in the flight from Fairbanks to Anchorage, Anchorage airport, in the flight from Anchorage to Portland, Portland airport and in the flight from Portland to SFO. The whole journey took a day since we started around 9-ish in the morning. The book was engaging and awesome. The twist in the end totally took me by surprise. Throughout the book, you feel like Hans Rosling is directly talking to you and then ..

It is a positive book. It tells us that the world is in a much better state than we think it is in. In that way it is very similar to Steven Pinker’s “The Better Angels of Our Nature”. Better Angels was the second book that Mark Zuckerberg had read in his 2015 book reading challenge. There are a lot of interesting insights in the book that would enable us to see life and the world in a different light. Instead of dividing the world and developed and developing, he divides it as Level 1, L2, L3 and level 4. One begins to see that many developing countries are much better off now.

  1. The gap instinct
  2. The negativity instinct
  3. The straight line instinct
  4. The fear instinct
  5. The size instinct
  6. The generalization instinct
  7. The destiny instinct
  8. The single perspective instinct
  9. The blame instinct
  10. The urgency instinct
  11. Factfulness in practice
  12. Factfulness rules of thumb.