I follow Helen Patton on LinkedIn. I think it happened after I read Perlroth - This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends and her review. So when Helen posted about her book on LinkedIn, I immediately bought it. It is an easy read and has practical tips for everyone - someone starting out, and also someone who is experienced.

Table of Contents

  • Part I Arriving in Security
    • Chapter 1 How Do You Become a Security Professional?
      • Create Your Story
      • So, You Want to Work in Security
    • Chapter 2 Why Security?
      • What Kind of People Do Security?
      • What Is Your Why?
    • Chapter 3 Where Can I Begin?
      • What Does It Mean to Be a Security Professional?
      • How Can You Make Sense of It All?
    • Chapter 4 What Training Should I Take?
      • For the Traditional Student
      • For the Nontraditional Student
      • For the Full-Time
      • Nonsecurity Worker
      • Other Things to Consider
    • Chapter 5 What Skills Should I Have?
      • The Entry Point —Technology
      • Professional Skills
    • Chapter 6 Is My Résumé Okay?
      • Linking the Résumé to the Job Posting
      • Elements of a Résumé
      • Digital Presence
      • References
      • Cover Letters
    • Chapter 7 Trying with Little Success?
      • Physical Location
      • Your Company
      • Get Specific
      • Know Your Market
      • Assess Your Efforts So Far
      • But I’m Doing All Those Things!
  • Part II Thriving in Security
    • Chapter 8 How Do I Keep Up?
      • Fitting It Into Your Schedule
      • Ad Hoc and Planned Learning
      • Take a Mini-Sabbatical
      • Where Do I Find the Information?
    • Chapter 9 How Can I Manage Security Stress? The Stress of Working in Security Managing Security Stress What’s Next?
    • Chapter 10 How Can I Succeed as a Minority? Making Security Work for You What’s Next?
    • Chapter 11 How Can I Progress? The Security Journey The Opportunist The Intentional Career Seeker How to Get Promoted What’s Next?
    • Chapter 12 Should I Manage People? Leadership and Management Preparing for Your Next Role What’s Next?
    • Chapter 13 How Can I Deal with Impostor Syndrome? Fact-Check Your Inner Monologue Know Competence and Incompetence Know When to Ask for Help Keep Learning and Know When Enough Is Enough Keep Track of Your Successes What’s Next?
    • Chapter 14 How Can I Know If It’s Time to Move On? Are You Happy Where You Are? Have You Done All You Wanted to Do? Have You Learned All You Wanted? What Are Your Long-Term Goals? Are You Being Pigeonholed? Do You Fit Into the Culture? Job Hopping Are the Other Options Better than Your Current Job? What’s Next?
  • Part III Leading Security
    • Chapter 15 Where Do I Start? What’s on Fire? What Is Your Timeline to Act? Who Are Your Partners? Find the Strengths and Note the Weaknesses Draw the Business Risk Picture Do You Have a Mandate? What’s Next?
    • Chapter 16 How Do I Manage Security Strategically? Consider Your Industry Know Your Business Priorities Be Pragmatic Address Stakeholder Pain Points Threats and Vulnerabilities Rinse and Repeat Putting It Together What’s Next?
    • Chapter 17 How Do I Build a Team? It Is About the How Things to Consider Identify Important Things Identify Areas of Weakness Discontinuing a Function Building New Functions What’s Next?
    • Chapter 18 How Do I Write a Job Posting? The Challenge of Job Postings What’s Next?
    • Chapter 19 How Do I Encourage Diversity? Start with Numbers Understand Your Cultural Issues Attracting Diverse Talent Writing the Job Description and Posting The Interviewing Process Retaining Diverse Talent Promotions and Career Development Leaving the Team What’s Next?
    • Chapter 20 How Do I Manage Up? Who Are Senior Stakeholders? Help Them Understand Security When Things Go Wrong What’s Next?
    • Chapter 21 How Do I Fund My Program? Funding a Team Funding a Program The Big Ask What’s Next?
    • Chapter 22 How Do I Talk About My Security Program? What Story Should I Tell? Telling Stories What’s Next?
    • Chapter 23 What Is My Legacy? Making an Impact on the Industry Making an Impact on Your Company What’s Next?
  • Epilogue