When you are visited by chaos and swallowed up; when nature curses you or someone you love with illness; or when tyranny rends asunder something of value that you have built, it is salutary to know the rest of the story. All of that misfortune is only the bitter half of the tale of existence, without taking note of the heroic element of redemption or the nobility of the human spirit requiring a certain responsibility to shoulder. We ignore that addition to the story at our peril, because life is so difficult that losing sight of the heroic part of existence could cost us everything.” ~ Jordan B. Peterson, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life 1

Similar to 12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson speaks directly to you through piercing words using anecdotes and lessons from ancient mythology and religious symbolisms to modern psychology. After reading the book you feel inspired to take charge of your life, be more courageous and set a course towards your destiny. But then it fades away as life takes over and you settle into old habits. When I was reading this book, a lot of thoughts from the previous book came to mind. It definitely is a book one can read multiple times and get more insights. It is also a refresher of mythology (especially Sumerian), Christianity, many Russian authors (especially Dostoyevsky and Solzhenitsyn) and even Harry Potter!

Here are the rules. They are quite self explanatory.

  • Rule 1: Do Not Carelessly Denigrate Social Institutions Or Creative Achievement

  • Rule 2: Imagine Who You Could Be, And Then Aim Single-Mindedly At That

  • Rule 3: Do Not Hide Unwanted Things In The Fog

  • Rule 4: Notice That Opportunity Lurks Where Responsibility Has Been Abdicated

  • Rule 5: Do Not Do What You Hate

  • Rule 6: Abandon Ideology

  • Rule 7: Work As Hard As You Possibly Can On At Least One Thing And See What Happens

  • Rule 8: Try To Make One Room In Your Home As Beautiful As Possible

  • Rule 9: If Old Memories Still Upset You, Write Them Down Carefully And Completely

  • Rule 10: Plan And Work Diligently To Maintain The Romance In Your Relationship

  • Rule 11: Do Not Allow Yourself To Become Resentful, Deceitful, Or Arrogant

  • Rule 12: Be Grateful In Spite Of Your Suffering


  1. https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Order-More-Rules-Life/dp/0593084640