Engineering Manager Interviews
· ☕ 8 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
A couple of folks asked me recently my opinion on how to do well in an Engineering Manager interview or what should they do to be more successful. I provided some inputs based on my experience of interviewing and hiring eng managers. Also thought I’d write down notes as a way to help others who might find it useful.

Delivering a project and presenting to a multi-level audience
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
A project delivery is a culmination of the team’s effort after a series of sprints. After a several sequences of twists and turns or crests and troughs of requirement/direction changes, the team is finally at the juncture where it has produced a product that the client wanted. The client has been involved in the process from the beginning, so nothing should be a surprise.

Handing off a project to a client; what are the risks and challenges?
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
The biggest risk and challenge when handing off a project to a client is the fear of meeting the expectation of the client. The lingering question in the mind is “What if what we are presenting is different from what the Client is expecting?”. This happens in spite of the best documentation, design, execution and testing.

What five technical skills are employers seeking? What five soft skills put you on top?
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
layout: post title: “What five technical skills are employers seeking? What five soft skills put you on top?” date: 2014-11-03 05:19:29 author: “Robinson Raju” categories: Career Development header-img: “img/blog7/tech_skills.jpg” Before jumping directly into technical skills, let us briefly look at the current climate in the world of Information Technology. The current trend is that more companies are trying to recruit new grads.

Social Media and Branding
· ☕ 4 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
We are in an era where social media influences everyone more than parents, friends, peers, etc. A couple of decades back, it was improbably to even think that something virtual could control so many aspects of your lives. It was also impossible to think that we would have tools to reach over 100 million people within minutes.

LinkedIn profiles, how to use them, how to market yourself, how to network
· ☕ 8 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
In this post, we take a segway from discussions around Agile methodology and focus on something that is very important for everyone’s career – to have an online professional profile, something that someone can look at and find out about your career, capabilities and achievements. There are many sites where one can host a professional profile but LinkedIn is the most popular business oriented social networking service.

Agile tasks lists, what does “done” mean in Agile?
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
This is the fourth post in this series of “Introduction to Agile methodology”. The topic of this blog is “Agile task lists, what does “done” mean in Agile?”. Teams change their methodology to agile with the lofty goal of getting great results but often fail. A primary reason for failure is the ambiguity around the definition of “done”.

The Agile Sprint Retrospective
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
Agile Sprint Retrospective This is the third post in this series of “Introduction to Agile methodology”. The topic of this blog is “Agile Sprint Retrospective”. Overview: Agile Sprint Retrospective is a meeting that happens after a Sprint to evaluate how the last one went. The Team, the Scrum Master and the Product Owner attends this meeting in Scrum.

The Agile Team and the backlog
· ☕ 3 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
This blog continues on the last week’s blog about introducing Agile to newcomers to the practice. The focus this week is on 2 things – The agile team and the artifacts that they work on, namely “backlogs”. Agile Team Agile team is a self contained team that can by itself complete a user story in the backlog.

What is agile and what are user stories
· ☕ 5 min read · ✍️ Robinson Raju
Introduction In the earlier days of the software industry, the process of developing software products mirrored engineering practices of the day. Like a bridge construction needed elaborate planning, design and construction, a software product went through a “waterfall” model of requirement definition, design, development, testing and release, with each phase occurring one after another.